Sampada Bhujel

+1 (513) 726 8379 | Oxford, OH, USA (Open to relocation across cities/states) | |


Software developer with 4+ years of experience in SAAS web apps scaling to 100K+ users. Proficient in full-stack development, specializing in front-end development, cloud infrastructure, serverless architecture, and RESTful web services. Expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Python, Django, Node.js, PHP, Laravel, SQL, and AWS with proven team leadership capabilities. Seeking roles in web development to contribute towards innovative software solutions.

Technical Skills

Languages and Runtime Env:JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Node.js, SQL, GraphQL, C#, Shell Script
Frameworks and Packages:React, Next.js, Django, jQuery, Laravel, Apollo Client, Three.js, Express.js, Axios, Framer Motion, Zod, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, HTML, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Anime.js, Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, NPM, Pip
Databases:MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server
Other Technologies:Amazon Web Services (AWS S3, EC2, EB, CloudFormation, Lambda), Android, Swift, PWA, Git, Linux, Docker, CI/CD, TDD, Agile, DRY, SOLID, OOP, SDLC, Data Structure and Algorithms, Postman, Trello, JIRA


Masters of Science in Computer Science Aug 2022 - May 2024 (Expected)
Miami University, Oxford, OH (CGPA: 4.0/4.0 (Ongoing))
Bachelors of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Nov 2014 - Sep 2018
IOE Pulchowk Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal


Full Stack Developer (Graduate Assistant) | Myaamia Center, Miami University, Ohio Aug 2022 - Present
  • Migrated On Prem app to AWS, improving performance & scalability by 20% with uninterrupted project operations
  • Designed REST APIs for MVC app for 10+ features like advanced search function, analytics dashboard, enhancing user experience
  • Boosted MariaDB performance by 20% with optimized SQL queries and improved schema, enhancing system responsiveness
  • Resolved sluggish media delivery by implementing AWS S3 + CloudFront solution slashing media load times by 52%
  • Utilized Docker containers to optimize app processes, collaborating with DevOps for Puppet integration, enhancing CI/CD
  • Championed PWAs for mobile apps, driving 2x faster deployments and 20% higher user engagement through unified web/iOS/Android UI and frictionless cross-platform synchronization
  • Crafted and implemented an advanced search UI using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, featuring multi-field forms and an analytics dashboard with intuitive graphs using D3.js, elevating user interaction and streamlining insights retrieval
  • Technologies Used: JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Python, React, AWS, Docker, HTML, CSS, Android, Swift, Gitlab, REST API, Bootstrap
Software Engineer | Alternative Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal Feb 2019 - Jul 2022
  • Enforced code quality across a React codebase with ESLint and Prettier resulting in a 27% reduction in code review time
  • Collaborated on a frontend overhaul of legacy jQuery app using React/Redux with UX redesign, launching beta in 6 months
  • Mentored 4 junior developers through onboarding and fostering their growth with targeted feedback and support
  • Reduced bandwidth usage by 25% as measured by network analytics by optimizing API calls using Axios for HTTP requests, incorporating lazy loading, and efficient state management
  • Implemented AWS security best practices - IAM policies, security groups, and encryption compliant with industry standards
  • Technologies Used: React, Python, Node.js, GraphQL, JavaScript, Flask, HTML, CSS3, SCSS, Pandas, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Numpy, unittest, pytest, Mockito, Git, AWS, REST API, Postman, JIRA, Agile


MyRoom | Tech Stack: Python, TensorFlow, Django, pytest
  • Used Machine Learning to detect the floor plane and perform perspective transform to lay rug on a room
  • Migrated the app to AWS and optimized it to perform 3X faster computations
The Drinks Diary | Tech Stack: Next.js, Typescript, Redux Toolkit, MongoDB, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS
  • Engineered the development of a dynamic product, using Framer Motion for SVG animations to enhance the visual appeal
  • Orchestrated a feature-rich Next.js App, utilizing the App router for seamless navigation and optimal user experience
  • Integrated RTK Query with MongoDB backend to streamline data fetching logic and reduce redundant data calls
  • Leveraged MongoDB flexible schemas with Mongoose ODM and Zod validation to quickly iterate on data models


  • ICAgile Certified Professional (Agile Certified)
  • Graduate Summer Research Fellowship Award from Miami University
  • Selected delegate from Grace Hopper Conference (GHC 2023) by College of Engineering and Computing, Miami University


Development Team Lead (Volunteer) | Queen's Web
Led a team of 4 women developers to learn and apply web development concepts to build a successful e-commerce product
Event Coordinator (Executive Committee Member) | LOCUS
As a part of a 15-member core committee, I contributed to the planning and execution of 20+ events/boot camps in technology, learning, and professional development of undergraduate students, along with nurturing students for leadership capabilities